Junior Tennis players and Parental support

Parents: supporting young Tennis Players

Do you have a few last minute tips for your kid before the big match on nailing that serve? save it.

That’s the best way to help your kids succeed, according to Junior Tennis Players’ preferences for Parental Behaviors, a study published by Camiseta Villarreal CF the Journal of applied sport Psychology.

Youth tennis players are affected by even subtle changes in support from their parents during matches, and benefit much more from general encouragement and support than from technical guidance before or during a match.

In the study, published last month, focus groups of competitive youth tennis players between the ages of 12 and 15 answered questions about parental involvement. The tennis players who participated in the study compete either regionally, nationally or internationally and train an average of 15 hours a week.

Tennis is unlike team sports in which individual players may blend in. Instead, individual players carry out on a pedestal. For kids, that pedestal can be a demanding one that exposes defects and weaknesses.

The kids said they benefited from supportive parents who focused on effort rather than performance.

“I hate when my parents they, they look at your first match and then they say, ‘Oh your second match is this, and then your third . . .’” said one tennis player. “Like they expect you to win all the time.”

The kids questioned also felt that guidance from parents before or during a match was distracting. only those whose parents had previously competed at a high level in the sport said they felt like they benefit from parental advice.

Practical guidance does benefit youth, however. kids felt that general guidance and support such as match preparation (including diet, stretching and warming up) was by-and-large helpful.

The focus groups also concluded that parents who emphasize performance rather than effort only add to the tension level of youth. Those who concerned about what their parents would say after a match suffered much more during those matches, the focus groups said.

To read the rest of this article visit Kids’ sports Psychology.

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“Danielle did really well with controlling her emotions during the matches today. We were very happy of her for not showing her frustrations during Camiseta Selección de fútbol de Ecuador the match; I think that was a big accomplishment. She really looked in control of her emotions even when she double faulted or Camiseta Southampton FC made mistakes. The changes we saw on Danielle’s behavior in less than 24 hours were AWESOME! thank you for your guidance!”
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