Djokovic: The focus of a champion

Improving Your match Focus

If you want to play like a champion, you requirement to believe like a champion.

If you can get insight into the believed process of a champion, you can begin to establish a similar “champion” mindset to enhance your court performance.

What does a champion tennis player focus on during matches?
The typical thread that runs with all champion tennis players is their focus on the present moment.

If you focus as well much on outcomes, such as the score or losing, you can’t play in the moment…

A champion player may have thoughts about their rank, rivals or winning however he is able to narrow his focus on the court as well as play in the “now.”

In essence, a champion player believes “this point” is the only thing that matters!

Novak Djokovic is a Serbian expert tennis player, currently placed No. 2 in the world as well as is thought about to be one of the very best tennis players of his era. Djokovic just recently won the Sony open beating rival Nadal 6-3, 6-3.

In his post-match interview, Djokovic supplied profound insight into the mindset of a champion as well as commitment to focus on the present moment:

“I did not want to lose focus for a second… I wished to play each point 100%, since I understood that, you know, I am in the manage of the rallies at the moment as well as I needed that to stay that way.”

When asked about the prospective of winning future excursion events, Djokovic reiterated the value of focusing on the present:

“I can’t anticipate what the future brings. I can only focus my interest as well as energy to the present moment as well as do what I do best, as well as that is to, you know, try to prepare myself.”

Many novice players view playing high-ranked opponents with trepidation, however Djokovic sees top competition as an chance to enhance his game:

“I believe challenges, huge difficulties that I had in my occupation altered me in a positive method as a player. I worked hard, and, you know, it’s paying dividends, I guess, in the last couple of years. You know, undoubtedly it’s not simple when you’re playing a top rival at the finals of any type of tournament, however if you want to be the best, you have to beat the best, you know. You have to win against the very best players in the world. That’s the greatest difficulty you can have.”

Djokovic supplies excellent recommendations for players to enhance their focus as well as establish the mindset of a champion.
Focus on playing each point with 100% effort as well as focus. You must focus on what you do finest as well as be diligent in your preparation. You cannot manage what may occur in the future, only the present moment. He suggests that you view matches against top opponents as chances to hone as well as enhance your game. If opponents subject a weakness in your game, it’s a possibility to enhance that part of your game.

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